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  • Pete Williams posted an update in the group Group logo of Recovery and RebuildingRecovery and Rebuilding 2 months, 1 week ago

    I have been doing some work with communities in East Gippsland and looking at the rebuilding progress. Of the 346 dwellings lost only 66 have been rebuilt. 105 of the properites that had destroyed dwellings have been sold or landowners will not be rebuilding. I also found a paper which gives an indication of the progress following Black Saturday, which had a lot more momentum. Some of the key factors in my experience are COVID; the relative remoteness of many of the properties from major centres has meant difficulty in accessing local trades and builders, as well as a lack of accommodation for non-local trades and builders; supply chain issues; increases in costs of rebuilding; difficulties in planning including getting planning and building permits; families mental energy to tackle the complexity of rebuilding. You can view the paper here

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