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  • Wade Charles posted an update in the group Group logo of Disaster PreparednessDisaster Preparedness 6 months ago

    Thinking a new Topic Tab titled Training and Development would benefit the multitude of online and other disaster preparedness risk reduction training. 

    • Hi Wade, thanks for the suggestion. We have been trying to keep the number of Knowledge communities down to not further confuse members, but I am open to this, of course. Do you think local initiatives and trainings could also be posted in the ‘community-led activities’ group or do you have something else in mind? Thanks for letting me know. Sabrina

      • Hi Sabrina,

        Thanks for your feedback and careful monitoring that will ensure tabs are relevant and don’t get out of control. Yes, they could. However, I believe they could be overlooked as personal development and other online courses are increasing and becoming more relevant within the interdisciplinary professions, and this would enable both providers and potential students to have a theatre within this space designated for this particular purpose. I observed several social and community resilience facilitation opportunities on Disaster Lane at the Australian Institute of Disaster Resilience (AIDR), which would be noteworthy inclusions. This could range across all parts of the disaster cycle from preparedness and disaster risk reduction and response training, including the growing online and other Disaster Related Community Education initiatives, to training in facilitating community recovery and resilience programs. As an Australian based in a geographically “remote” Northern Australia, away from the East Coast Population, I believe that remote community members and isolated practitioners would benefit from its inclusion.

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