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  • Wade Charles posted an update in the group Group logo of Community-Led ApproachesCommunity-Led Approaches 8 months, 3 weeks ago

    I have heard fantastic things about the work of in the Southern States, providing culturally safe care for the Jewish Community in Melbourne. It is fantastic to learn about the Indigenous Rapid Response Reams formed by NSW SES or Fire/Flood (please someone fill me in) in recent disaster events to respond to indigenous communities. Overseas, there is a growing trend in “citizen” mobile phone applications that utilise GIS systems to notify localized “citizen” first responders, particularly in geographically isolated areas or lack of government supply/availability. Such networks have proven vital in past situations of critical infrastructure failure.

    • Hi Wade – Welcome to the DisasterWISE Community :) Thanks for sharing info about the rapid response teams – I haven’t heard about it, but would love to learn more also. The ‘citizen’ mobile phone apps would be useful for remote communities – at the moment our community has a what’s app chat for emergencies only – a bit of an extension from the ‘phone tree’ set up we had pre-black saturday fires..

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