Members – DisasterWISE
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  • Bill Hyman posted an update in the group Group logo of Community-Led ApproachesCommunity-Led Approaches 10 months, 2 weeks ago

    Hi! Great to meet the DisasterWISE people in ‘Resilience Alley’ at the recent AFAC 23 Conference.
    I’m wondering if communities (or individuals) are interested in a simple but profound method for resolving conflict and generating consensus between and amongst their communities. With the diversity that is apparent within and between communities, and indeed required for creativity and innovation, conflicting perspectives are inevitable. I believe embracing conflict, as painful as it is, is all part of the process of community-led initiatives for recovery and preparedness. I am keen to offer such a method to gain feedback as to its effectiveness, while empowering participants to learn the method experientially as they participate. If this is of interest, please let me know!

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